
Build a Citizen-Centric Organization

Qomon stories are a series of use cases, testimonies and experiences illustrated by Qomon users. Discover how Rory Stewart build a digital and decentralized infrastructure Qomon.

3 min read
Build a Citizen-Centric Organization

Let’s see how Rory Stewart used Qomon for his independent campaign for the Mayor of London and how he got to the second place in recent polls!

The Use Case

Organisation: Rory for London

Location: London, UK

Cause: Political movement

Scale of use: London

Main Goal: Build a decentralized organisation

Favorite feature: Survey & Nationbuilder API

Learn more about Rory for London

Rory Stewart was candidate for the Mayor of London, which elections were supposed to be held on May 7th 2020 (but were moved back one year because of the Covid crisis).

He ran as an independent candidate after leaving Theresa May’s office, where he was Secretary of State for International Development. As an independent he couldn’t benefit from any political infrastructures and thus had to work twice as hard.

He’s the proof that with the appropriate tools, you can achieve great results.

rory for london qomon

The Key Features

One of Rory’s priorities was to be able to organize actions everywhere in London and organize its volunteers.
He uses Qomon to organize teams borough by borough and go meet those he wouldn’t have reached otherwise.

He went and met as many people as possible and presented his campaign to anyone who would listen. This was a way for him to build a close relationship with citizens and show his citizen-centric mindset.

Rory wanted to be present locally and on the field.

He uses Qomon as a tool to be active on the ground and to organize his teams digitally. Thanks to Qomon's volunteer management system, they were able to carry actions anywhere and at any time, and most importantly, he was able to capture data and feedback from citizens and then provide them with more relevant information. And thanks to our NationBuilder API, he has built a strong digital ecosystem.

Gather your volunteers in areas or actions through team-creation.

The results with Qomon

Performing precise borough by borough analyses allowed Rory to successfully run his political movement.
He was armed with concrete information which allowed him to unify his volunteer community through accurate information. They were more motivated and carried more efficient and personal ground actions, which made them local relays in no time.

Rory was able to satisfy Londoners with his actions and ideas through Qomon's intuitive tools!

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