Discover the ins and outs of innovative campaigning at the Next Campaign Summit in Toronto on Sept 12! Find Qomon at Booth #9!
Discover Qomon overall before deep diving in each and every features.
Organize online and in the field actions with all the tools to rally members and supporters efficiently!
Create and publish petitions with your organizations branding and in the language of your choice via a URL or embeded on your site.
Share walking lists, materials and questionnaires with your teams in the field, collect data in real time via our mobile app.
Search and filter your contacts based on a variety of datapoints with inclusive/exclusive and cumulative filters.
Import your contacts from a CSV or XLS file into Qomon and grow your data in one central place.
Assess the concerns and opinions of the people you wish to establish a dialogue with.
Invite team members and place them into specific teams within Qomon to mobilize bigger!
Assign custom permissions to team members based on their role in your organization.
Communicate with your contacts via email in just a few clicks.
Organize your materials or documents and share them with your teams.
Connect with an expert for a live demo.
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