Innovative, intuitive & powerful.

Explore Qomon's powerful tools

Digital & Field Organizing Tools

Qomon provides you with all the tools to rally anyone efficiently: door-to-door canvassing, peer-to-peer, phone banking and more. Simplify organizing logistics with our intuitive mobile app to act on-the-go!

Take action online and in the field

Mobile App
Custom Surveys
Door-to-Door Canvassing
Phone Banking
Materials Hub
Central Space
Events & Actions
Peer-2-peer Messaging
Mobile App
Custom Surveys
Door-to-Door Canvassing
Phone Banking
Materials Hub
Central Space
Events & Actions
Peer-2-peer Messaging

And more features to discover...

Role Management

Assign roles to your team users and manage access to information within your organization. Edit permissions, rename roles, and create custom roles for your users to fully adapt Qomon to your team's organization.


Get out the vote through door-to-door and phone banking combined actions. Based on voter turnout lists data integrated on Qomon, tag your contact to keep track for their engagement: voted, not voted, abstain. Send targeted communication to mobilize your supporters ahead of voting day.

Consent & Double Opt-in

Track consent for each contact and by funnel. Indicate who should not be contacted anymore. Enable double-opt in on emails and SMS.

Low Cellular Connection Needed

Qomon is designed to work with a minimal network connection. Complete you actions wherever you are, whether in the countryside or in a stairwell.


Enable "Accessibility" mode on our mobile app for visually impaired team users.

Real Time Sync

Get real time updates from the field with visuals on the dashboard and on your map.

Users Profile & Availability

Customize your profile, avatar and check your users' availabilities.

Notifications & Reminders

Receive reminders for an action or an event.

Push Notifications

Send push and email notifications to your users informing them of actions they have been assigned, updates, and reassigning them while in the field.

More tools:

Download our features guide

Still wondering if your use case is covered? Download our features guide to discover what our solutions can do for you!

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