Who Should Create a Petition?
Creating a petition is an accessible and empowering way for individuals, community groups, nonprofit organizations, and any passionate entity to rally support and raise awareness on issues that matter. It serves as a democratic tool, enabling diverse voices to unite around shared concerns. Whether you're a concerned citizen, a grassroots community organization, or a dedicated nonprofit, petitions offer a platform to articulate your cause, garner public backing, and catalyze change.
Benefits of Making a Petition
A well-composed and sufficiently backed petition can change anything from a law to a sentence to the thoughts of a community. This may be attributed to a number of key benefits:
1. Mobilization of Supporters
A petition usually addresses an issue common to a large group of people. It provides them with a platform to voice their concerns, thereby forcing those in power to take notice, and hopefully take action.
By signing a nomination petition, volunteers show that they want the creator of the petition to get the visibility they deserve. In other words, it can motivate supporters to take action instead of just showing passive support.
2. From a Political Perspective…
Petitions are equally useful from a political view, as every candidate starts a campaign with a unique ideology. Each will have their own plans on how to help the common citizen. A petition can help you quickly engage voters and spread your message.
The number of signatures is a measure of the popularity of your beliefs. In this way, petitions can operate as a source of both validation and confidence for the petitioner. You can think of your campaign strategy as a hypothesis that can be tested through a petition.
3. Growth of Your Movement
In the world of movements and causes, visibility is paramount, whether you're championing a local initiative or a global campaign. Various strategies, from speeches and rallies to social media and petitions, help movements stand out while remaining relatable. Petitions, in particular, are invaluable tools for organic growth. Each signature signifies more than mere support; it represents potential donors and advocates. With every signature, your movement gains momentum and attracts new supporters effortlessly. Harness the power of petitions to amplify your message and foster the expansion of your movement, one signature at a time.

4. Building Pressure for Governments to Take Action
Most government-run systems are quite rigid: when advocating for change, you will be met with much opposition and scrutiny. The only option is to put pressure on your opponents while remaining within the limits of the law, which petitions can help you do.
The question of how much pressure will depend on who you are trying to convince and how you want them to act. For example, if you want to convince a congress member to work towards a big goal, e.g., changing a policy, you are going to need upwards of 100,000 signatures.
5. Participation in Political Process
A petition can be used to call the public to action. Most citizens do not have the financial or influential capacity to make a change. Their best option is to insert themselves in the political process and secure a debate on a government platform.
Benefits of a Petition Platform
Hosting petitions across a petition platform not only keeps everything organized, but allows you to easily track supporters in real time and manage contacts and signatories. Furthermore, petition platforms often offer social sharing features, allowing supporters to easily spread the word on social media, thereby increasing the reach and impact of your cause. By harnessing the capabilities of a petition platform, you can amplify your message, engage a wider audience, and drive meaningful change in your community or on a larger scale.
Using Qomon as your Petition Platform
To create a petition from Qomon web platform, you’ll need to know the title of your petition, who the petition is for and/or if you have a specific signature goal that you would like to accomplish in a certain period of time.

Once the basic settings have been decided, you want to come up with a clear and concise description for your petition (what you are trying to accomplish with it!) for those reading it.
For the last step, you can choose to customize your petition following your organization or campaign’s branding as well as the different information you want to collect from your supporters (this will be linked to your contact database so think about the information you already have there).

And with that information, you can now publish the petition, sharing it with your supporters with a URL or embed a code in your website.
See how fast that was? Create your first petition with Qomon today!
Tips for making a Petition
Creating a petition will vary a lot depending on factors such as message and scale. That being said, there are still a number of common steps that must always be followed in order to create a successful petition, including:
- Stating the purpose clearly.
- Listing supporting facts and making an argument.
- Following the standard format: the signatory’s name, address, and voter registration.
- Collecting signatures.
- Asking relevant questions from signatories and making changes to the petition accordingly.
- Investing in petition software or a petition management platform (like Qomon!) to make running your petition far easier.
If you are a novice running for a public office, keep in mind that a petition might be the best way to make yourself known - getting recognized for your activism and on-field struggle is sure to land you in the good books of many voters! So why not try out a petition today with the help of an online petition maker or petition site online- it could be the very making of your political strategy!