Welcome to Qomon's Legal Center!
Please refer to the following table and click the links to access the relevant documentation based on your location
If you are located in Europe, South America, Oceania, Asia or Africa, the Global Terms apply.
● Global Terms of Services
● Global Terms & Conditions of Use
● Data Processing Agreement
Qomon - Dolphins sas
1-3 Place Martin Levasseur
93400 Saint-Ouen-Sur-Seine
France, Europe
+44 560 375 0853
If you are located in North America (US or Canada); Qomon inc. Terms apply.
● Qomon inc. Master Terms of Services
● Qomon inc. End-User Terms of Services
● Data Processing Agreement
Qomon inc.
444 North Capitol St NW
Ste 612 #435
Washington, DC 20001
+1 929 506 9349
Please be aware that the final terms applicable to you are the ones displayed on your signed quote or billing statements (billing entity), regardless of your region.
● Privacy Policy
● Security & Privacy Laws
● Cookies
● Service Level Agreement
Qomon's marketing website is hosted by:
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 81226 Seattle,
WA 98108-1226viaWebflow, Inc.
208 Utah Street, Suite 210
San Francisco, California, 94103
In the eventuality of personal data storage during your navigation on the website, the personal data collected is carried out exclusively on the data centers ("clusters") located in Member States of the European Union of the company Amazon Inc, whose head office is located at 10 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA .
The Qomon Services (Qomon.app and Qomon.org) are hosted by:
If you are located in Europe, South America, Oceania, Asia or Africa:
Scaleway SAS
8 Ville l’Evêque Street- 75008 Paris - France
2 Kellermann Street - 59100 Roubaix - France
Accordingly, all personal data of users or personal data imported by users of the Qomon Services are stored exclusively in data centers ("clusters") located in the Member States of the European Union of the company Scaleway SAS or the company of OVH SAS.
If you are located in North America (US or Canada):
Amazon Web Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 81226 Seattle,
WA 98108-1226
Accordingly, all personal data of users or personal data imported by users of the Qomon Services are stored in data centers ("clusters") located in North America.
In order to improve the quality of our services, phone communications with our advisors are likely to be recorded. These records will be kept for a maximum of 1 month. They constitute a processing of personal data whose controller is Qomon. The procedures for exercising the rights of data subjects are described in the Qomon’s privacy policy.
The presentation and content of the Application published by Qomon, providing access to a personal space of users, together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, which Qomon holds.
Reproduction in whole or in part is systematically subject to authorization by Qomon.
Texts, images, drawings and lay-outs as well as the graphic charter of the Application are protected by intellectual property regulations. It is prohibited to copy, extract, distribute or modify the content of the Application for commercial purposes. Downloading as well as printing text, images and graphic elements are only authorized for private and non-commercial purposes. Reproduction of drawings, images, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications requires the prior written consent of Qomon. The lack of authorization is sanctioned for counterfeiting.
Trademarks and logos displayed on the Application are registered and protected trademarks. Any total or partial reproduction of trademarks and/or logos displayed on the Application or made from elements of the Application without the written authorization of Qomon is constitutive of the offense of counterfeiting.
Please note that the specific laws may vary depending on the user's location, either the laws of Delaware State (US) or the French intellectual property code will apply for the protection of Qomon's databases. Without Qomon’s written authorisation, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in whole or in part, as well as any substantial qualitative or quantitative extraction to another platform is prohibited and sanctioned for counterfeiting.