
Qomon is Evolving: Winter 2024 Product Updates

This past winter, we were excited to introduce three pivotal product updates designed to streamline your efforts and maximize impact: Central Space, GOTV, and Teams.

Layla Fakhoury
2 minutes
Qomon is Evolving: Winter 2024 Product Updates

Our commitment to enhancing your experience and empowering your movements has led to the development of new, innovative features: Central Space, GOTV, and Teams.

Sprouting from your feedback and tailored to your needs, these features will allow Qomon to work even better for you and your organization's needs.

Introducing Central Space

With Central Space, unlock multi-level management. Create subspaces under your Central Space to reflect your organization's structure.

Decide to create actions or forms, launch petitions and upload documents on a local or national level to adapt your mobilization efforts to your community! For example, share your manifesto to your entire organization via the Central Space, while also sharing county-specific petitions to their respective chapters.

GOTV Made Easy

With the election year we’re having, we want to ensure you know Qomon is not just a virtual tool – we're your on-the-ground companion. Our platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with your various initiatives, ensuring an innovative approach to GOTV.

Here's how Qomon can elevate your GOTV game:

 ✔ ️ Auto Tag: During door-to-door or phone banking, auto tag your voter turnout lists integrated on Qomon: voted, not voted, abstain.

 ✔ ️ Import / Upload Your Contact Lists: After uploading, our contact lists will be automatically updated to reflect those who haven’t yet voted. This will allow you to target your efforts and make sure you get all of your contacts to vote!

It’s never been easier to revolutionize your GOTV strategy.

Revamping Teams

Teams, like many of our latest features, was developed thanks to your feedback. A big thank you for your ideas and requests. They have helped us in building features that allow for more collaboration between your supporters.

What is this Team update about? Team is about fostering peer engagement among your community, to boost autonomy from the ground up. Engage your supporters with clearer, better-informed, and visible teams. 

✔️ Add a team description, objective, an action zone, and external links (to chats, for example), so that everything is clear and centralized for your supporters!

✔️ Appoint team leaders whom members can contact when they need to, they'll be your supporters go-to person.

✔️ Let everyone join a team from the mobile app.

✔️ Hide member details from other team members to protect their data.

✔️ Create secret teams that only those you invite can join and see.

These product updates reflect our ongoing dedication to supporting those shaping the future. At Qomon, we believe in the power of technology to create lasting connections with supporters and mobilize bigger. With Central Space, GOTV, and Teams, we're setting the stage for a more engaged, organized, and mobilized community. 

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