Find out how the Voix Publique agency, a pioneer in "last mile and face-to-face citizen mobilization" in France and Spain, is equipping itself with Qomon for its field operations to inform and raise awareness among citizens in one of France's largest cities.
Learn more about Voix Publique
Voix Publique is a pioneer in "last mile and face-to-face citizen mobilization" in Europe. They help governments, local authorities, NGO, business-to-public companies to implement effective and inclusive public consultation and mobilization campaigns. They propose "face-to-face" interactions but powered by technology to be as close as possible to the public: in the street, door-to-door and where people are.
The Challenge
The challenge: Change peoples habits!
To be more concrete, Voix Publique worked to improve people's recycling practices in one of the largest French cities.
To achieve this goal, they engaged with their community to raise awareness and encourage them to get involved. They targeted the most vital areas to door-knock with Qomon's data and mapping tools. This is a major challenge which - if not optimized - could have been very long and costly.
Voix Publique & Qomon
According to Charlotte, head of Voix Publique, Qomon is particularly useful in three areas for these goals:
- Pre-operational logistics: Volunteers are provided with their roadmap directly on their phones, which saves time in preparing and launching their missions.
- During the operation: Data collection is simple and instantaneous from the field on a phone or tablet. It's possible to automatically send additional information from citizens who want further resources, transforming the way you're able to interact and educate your community.
- After the operation: Processing post-action data to analyze is simple. You are also able to visualize the evolution of actions directly on the map, in real time.
Their favorite feature: Geolocation
The geolocation feature is their favorite! We asked them why:
“We can have a precise identification of the address. We know exactly where to knock, and we don't have to come back to the same places twice, it's a huge time saver"
Charlotte, Voix Publique

Their results with Qomon
- A Voix Publique volunteer knocked on 100 doors per day
- 10,000 households were visited in 10 days with 10 messengers
- 35%: the open-door rate during canvassing
- 75%: citizens commitment rate to new recycling sorting habits a few months post-action